Thornhill Cares - Pastoral Support at Thornhill Academy
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Thornhill Cares
At Thornhill Academy, we believe that students need to feel safe, happy and supported in order to develop and achieve. We place a strong emphasis on the pastoral needs of our students and have a team of dedicated staff who support them according to their individual needs.
The first point of contact for your child and their pastoral needs are their form tutor. Form tutors will work alongside other staff in school including your child’s Head of Year, Assistant Head Teacher SENDco, Deputy head teacher Behaviour and attitudes, Head of Safeguarding and Wellbeing and other leaders within the school to ensure access to the correct support.
The Thornhill Cares pastoral team for each year group and wider school issues are below however all members of staff care about the pupils in their care:
Head of Year 7 – Miss J Coates
Head of Year 8 – Ms L Gray
Head of Year 9 – Mrs K Reed
Head of Year 10 – Mr B Armstrong
Head of Year 11 –
Head of Safeguarding and Wellbeing – Miss L Coates
Assistant Headteacher SENDCo – M N Enright
Assistant Head Teacher Behaviour and Attitudes – Mr A Briggs
If you wish to contact any of the team this can be done in a variety of ways :
- Via telephone
- Via Email
- Via Classcharts
Thornhill Cares – Trusted Adult Commitment
At Thornhill Academy we know that the form tutor is the first point of contact for all students. However we believe that it is very important that our Pupils are able and can identify at least one trusted adult within school that they can approach with any problems or issues that may arise. This may not be your child’s form tutor and could be any member of the school staff. Where a child may struggle to identify an adult within school they will be supported by the Thornhill Cares – Pastoral Team in building strong relationships with staff to build that trusting relationship. All students have been asked to identify their trusted adult within school many have identified more than one member of staff.