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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.

Co Curricular Clubs and Activities

At Thornhill, we know the importance of a broad school experience to fully develop our students, giving them the best start in life. Experiences beyond the classroom are proven to strengthen academic knowledge, build social and employability skills and gain confidence and resilience have new experiences. 

Co-Curricular Activities are those that sit alongside our curriculum at Thornhill, and offer students further learning and experiences outside of the classroom. 

This is an integral part of achieving our core values of Excellence, Partnerships and especially Opportunity. 

Whilst we design opportunities for groups of students across their school years, we encourage students to volunteer and sign up for those linked to their interests. We have a wide range of optional activities every day, and we want all students to aim to attend at least 1 every week. Our programme is updated each half-term and is advertised in school displays, on social media and here on our website. 

Subject opportunities: Our curriculum leaders are always looking for ways to enhance learning beyond the classroom with visiting speakers, local and national trips as well as subject-specific activities after school. Subject knowledge and skills are broadened and enhanced.

For example: STEM club, Holoucaust Memorial Commitee, Drama club, Going for Grade 9! 

Rewards opportunities: Throughout the year we will take advantage of available workshops, exhibitions, and organisations that offer experiences for young people, and we will use our rewards system to offer these opportunities to students who show an interest and who demonstrate a great attitude to their learning. These activities broaden knowledge and skills but seek to offer students a unique, fun and possibly new experience.

For example: Flamingoland, Cinema visits, Challenge days, 

Career opportunities: It is never too early to begin exploring what your future might hold. At Thornhill, we aim to offer numerous opportunities to talk to, visit and explore different employers and employment routes. Our careers fair, business breakfasts and Careers Café offer opportunities. Visits to colleges, universities and employer sites run throughout the year and students should look out for those that interest them. Virtual work experiences are also advertised for students to take part in.

For example: RISE Workshops, College Taster days, Careers Cafe, Durham University Visit, Oxford University Wrokshops, Mock interviews, 

Wider opportunities: As well as our subject curriculum, we aim to develop students' wider skills and experience and offer opportunities such as residential and outdoor activities. Leadership opportunities such as our student council and enterprise groups help to develop important transferable skills. Wellbeing is also at the heart of our co-curricular with social development and fitness as a key aim. 

For example: Yoga, Boxercise, Outward Bound Trip, Business Beats Cancer, Motivated Me workshops

Competitive Opportunities: We have amazingly talented and gifted students at Thornhill, and we want students to aspire to be their best. We promote both internal and external competitions for students to share and celebrate their achievements.

For example: Maths Challenge, Writing competitions, V&A Art competition, Consilium Run, Sports Days, Swimming Gala